Deployment Practices

Vishal Lakha | Jun 20, 2019

Deployment Practices


I have added a basic example of Docker usage, with the usage of Docker volumes to store the logs/data in the disk.

docker volume create --driver local --name varlogs --opt type=none --opt device=/var/folder_name/ --opt o=uid=root,gid=root --opt o=bind
Docker container can be run with the following command along with an environment file containing the cofigurable parameters as well:

docker run -itd --restart unless-stopped --name image_name --env-file env.txt -v varlogs:/var/folder_name -h=hostname_01 hub.docker.com_docker_iamge_path
docker logs -f image_name


I have added a basic example of Vault usage in python, where you can easily store the credentials in the vault.

Click Here to see the code. This is not the full code, but just a module representation

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