
Data Scrapper with …

Description I have written Selenium code in Python which can scrap any type of data from any website(dynamic as well as static). It uses Chrome Driver, and waits for given time till an object of a certain class is loaded completely. then it finds all relevant data related to a class name and appends …

Estimated Time of Arrival …

Objective Predict the estimated time of arrival of a running bus at a bus stand with in-house intelligence. Description I have built a pyspark application which reads the current location and speed of a vehicle from an IVC (in-vehicle computer) and calculates the ETA using haversine distance …

Dynamic Pricing of …

Objective Provide a suggestion to select the optimal pricing tiers based on demand in a parking lot. Description II have trained a machine learning model using Prophet (Generalized Additive Model) which predicts the occupancy percent of a parking lot for next 3 hours. this forecast is used to …